
We are here to support and guide you with a variety of choices for consideration when opting for cremation.

Custom Cremation Package starts at $1,655, includes professional fees, obituary on the ANORA website, meeting in the comfort of your own home, delivery of death certificates, and cremated remains in a timely manner. Then add your choice of cremation container or casket and urn, and number of death certificates required for the estate. View our Cremation Container and Urn options.

Standard Cremation Package includes professional fees, obituary on the ANORA website, meeting in the comfort of your own home, delivery of death certificates and cremated remains in a timely manner, Eco-Pine Tray and Scattering Cylinder, one original death certificate, and one certified death certificate for $2,112.

If you are executor, you will want to know about the CPP Death Benefit. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) death benefit is a one-time payment of $2500, payable to the estate or other eligible individuals, on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor.